Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ramadan Is Upon Us !


This year it feels like Ramadan crept up on me while I was staring it in the face.Ok so maybe it wasn't an entirely espionage type of 'creep up' mostly because I began carbo-loading after last Ramadan (one should always be prepared right?).

I want to use this post to wish you all a month of noor and spirituality. However while we carbo-load like tomorrow is the Comrades Marathon let us try to remember Somalia. Rich governments are guilty of neglect as the aid efforts to avert the catastrophe in East Africa crawl along due to an $800 million shortfall. Many Somalis have fled to Dadaab, a refugee complex in Kenya intended to house 90,000 but which is now bursting with 400,000 people.

Nearly half of the population of Somalia (around 3.7 million people) do not have the pleasure of fasting voluntarily this Ramadan and I hope that our prayers will remain with them. May Allah (swt) satisfy their hunger, heal those who are suffering from malnutrition and provide them with abundance but mostly may he give us the heart and the will to take action because dua on its own is not enough.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


(Photo: Anup J Kat)

Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives.
- A Sachs

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Non-Muslim Fundamentalist

It makes me sick to my stomach that even our most alternate news channel
ran around shouting ‘MUSLIM’ when tragedy struck Norway this weekend.

I understand the concept of ‘ a likely suspect’, however when we all know that the ‘likely suspect’ has been concocted by media sensationalism and the US propaganda machine surely we should attempt to look left and right and left again before we cross the road.

Anders Behring Brevik (not very muslim sounding) and his 1500 page manifesto entitled 2083- A European Declaration Of Independence which claims to want to protect Europeans, their culture and their lands from being over run by the rapid breeding muslim hordes, set of a bomb in Oslo and shot and killed 92 youth at a camp when he opened fire on them dressed as a policeman.

The interesting thing is that it is always these pseudo-liberal European governments masquerading as saviours of human rights where the worst racial profiling occurs and from where the worst Islamophobes and fascists are born. It seems Europe will have to start seeing bigotry as something more than racism against Jews.
Brevik a Christian right winger and politician wanted to teach a lesson to the Labour Party who according to him has a soft attitude towards Muslims and took it upon himself to save the Europeans and what a sad and misdirected saviour he turned out to be.

Of course Norwegian lives are of the more valuable white variety so they will be mourned internationally with flower wreaths, candles and moments of silence unlike the thousands who will die quietly of the famine in Somalia or the ongoing war in Libya.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


The News of the World was notorious for its anti-immigrant and islamophobic stance and all its writing was either scandal, sex, sleaze or sensationalism. The paper was partially responsible for putting the Bush regime as well as Margaret Thatcher in power and held huge sway and power globally. Rupert Murdoch’s media empire has set the framework within which people think and how they see global events, personalities and wars.

A few weeks ago a lone journalist decided to blow the whistle on the unethical practises of the media giant. Sean Hoare was one of the first journalists to go on the record about the phone hacking at Murdoch's now-defunct News of the World. The scandal has so far led to 10 arrests and a parliamentary hearing.

Sean was subsequently found dead while an autopsy yesterday afternoon concluded that there was no foul play in his death I am certain that there is much to be suspicious about.
I would like to call a moment of silence for Sean Hoare the whistle blower that eventually led to the closing of News International, the British subsidiary of Murdoch's global conglomerate News Corp. 

*The headline used by The News Of The World to announce the sinking of The ARA General Belgrano  during the Falklands War with the loss of 323 lives. Losses from the Belgrano totalled just over half of Argentine deaths in the Falklands War.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Monday, July 18, 2011

67 Peoples To Raise Your Voice For !

                                                       HAPPY BIRTHDAY MADIBA !

In the Spirit of Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere and considering that everyone is thinking about what to do with their 67 minutes, here's a list of 67 issues to raise your voice for ... 

  1. Libyans
  2. Kalahari bushman
  3. Iraqis
  4. Dalits
  5. Abahlali Basemjondolo
  6. Devdasis
  7. Maoris
  8. Aborignies
  9. People of Rio’s Favelas
  10. Native Americans
  11. Palestinians
  12. Ogaden
  13. The tribes in Pakistan’s FATA region
  14. Iranian Nomads
  15. Farm Labourers
  16. Sahrawi
  17. Afro-Ecuadorians
  18. Roma
  19. Child labourers
  20. Afghanis
  21. Palestinians
  22. Those that are trafficked
  23. West Papuans
  24. Uyghurs
  25. Zapatista
  26. Naxalites
  27. Adivasis
  28. Haiti
  29. Congolese Women
  30. Bosnians
  31. Kurds
  32. Rape Survivors
  33. Batwa of the Great Lakes region
  34. Kashmiris
  35. Missing Children of Argentina
  36. First Nations
  37. Gullah/Geechee
  38. Tanzanian Pastoralists
  39. Asian Migrant Labourers in the Emirates
  40. Sex Slaves
  41. Syrians opposing Assad
  42. Inuit
  43. Alaskan Naives
  44. North African Migrant Labourers in Europe
  45. Tibetans
  46. Tartars
  47. Untouchables of India
  48. Hazara
  49. Guaymi
  50. Surui tribe in the Brazilian Amazon
  51. South African Black Lesbians
  52. Baluchis
  53. Ethnic Turks in Greece
  54. 600 000 slaves in Mauritania
  55. Endorois of Kenya
  56. Victims of Domestic Violence
  57. Tajiks
  58. Afro-Hondurans
  59. The people of East-Timor
  60. Chechnyans
  61. The East Africans of lands in drought
  62. Those forced into prostitution
  63. Muslim minorities in Russia
  64. The victims of Xenophobia in South Africa
  65. Zimbabweans opposing Mugabe
  66. Victims of NATO
  67. Anyones that’s ever been bombed, maimed, killed wounded, ‘dissapeared’ or called collateral damage

Monday, July 4, 2011

Today They Celebrate Their Independance ...

     (Images sourced @ google) 

From top right : Libya , Iraq, Korea, Vietnam , Afghanistan , Japan , The Trail of Tears,  Cambodia)
 *For a list of American Wars please check at :