Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ramadan Is Upon Us !


This year it feels like Ramadan crept up on me while I was staring it in the face.Ok so maybe it wasn't an entirely espionage type of 'creep up' mostly because I began carbo-loading after last Ramadan (one should always be prepared right?).

I want to use this post to wish you all a month of noor and spirituality. However while we carbo-load like tomorrow is the Comrades Marathon let us try to remember Somalia. Rich governments are guilty of neglect as the aid efforts to avert the catastrophe in East Africa crawl along due to an $800 million shortfall. Many Somalis have fled to Dadaab, a refugee complex in Kenya intended to house 90,000 but which is now bursting with 400,000 people.

Nearly half of the population of Somalia (around 3.7 million people) do not have the pleasure of fasting voluntarily this Ramadan and I hope that our prayers will remain with them. May Allah (swt) satisfy their hunger, heal those who are suffering from malnutrition and provide them with abundance but mostly may he give us the heart and the will to take action because dua on its own is not enough.


Sid said...

Ramadan Mubarak. Was going to tell a corny joke, but realised that it might be inapproapriate considering that your article is about starving African children.

Ridwan said...

May Allah relieve their suffering.



desert demons said...

Hey Sid it's cool any jokes are welcome, everyones always looking so dry during the fast - comic relief might just be the solution!

Ameen Ridwan! Also may we open some wallets big time in teh generous spirit of Ramadan and support the relief efforts!