Monday, August 31, 2009

Code Red

You guys in SA have it so easy! No worries at all. Walking down mint road in Foodsburg, you’re likely to find a paan-dukaan (little kiosk selling betel leaf) and all the goodies so u can get paan-walla (dude who sells the stuff) to make it as u like it! I’m sure killa-bah will be able to elaborate on how a certain sector in the community enjoy this delicacy after meals at weddings too.

In the sub-continent, it’s not uncommon to be walking in a stairwell or alleyway and finding a previously white wall with murderous splatterings of red – making you wonder if the slasher from the horror flick you watched the night before had been in the neighbourhood and forgot to call the cleaners after him! And then all of a sudden, you hear a blood-curdling sound – gut-wrenching (or rather gut-wretching). You cringe, and know that you should run for your life! And then with one more khhhhhhhghhhhhhh sound, you know that from the deep recesses of someone’s internal organs, a glob has been formed and it’s begun its journey, gaining weight and force along the way. From the moment you hear that sound, you know you only have about 3 milliseconds to run a mile and you’re wishing you had the testosterone levels of Semenya! But unfortunately, your shirt gets caught in a bind holding you back and you become witness to glob taking flight like the concord and landing smack-bang 3 centimetres from you, colourfully decorating the cobblestones! Whew! Talk about a close call! You look up and you see this uncle with a rooi baard (red beard) and all along you thought it was mendhi (henna) he was using to cover the grey! Meanwhile paan-drool wasn’t getting beyond his fist length!

I’m grateful that in some countries, the sale of the betel leaf and all its condiments are banned and considered as close to drug use as qat (khat).
But it so happened one fine day in Khaleejistan* that a young desi man decided to go back to his roots and open his paan dukaan. Some kids in the neighbourhood were curious and passers-by wondered what wares the new sweet vendor had. Then doom daraka doom (special shah rukh khan sound effects) the police pounced!

Two days later, this is what I found published in the papers:

Paan’ sellers arrested

The Security Department has arrested three Asians for selling ‘paan’ (betel leaf mixed with areca nut and tobacco for chewing) which is banned in Khaleejistan*. The department, with the co-operation from the Criminal Investigation Department, arrested them following complaints from the director of a school that some students were eating paan sold by a store nearby.
After a thorough investigation, the security department arrested the suspects red-handed and seized the stock. Action will be taken against them, the department said. The Security Department director appreciated the school director’ keenness in keeping youngsters away from harm and unhealthy lifestyle.

* name of country has been adapted

Well of course they were caught “red” handed and probably red-mouthed too!

Don’t ya just love how the dudes have to pose with their loot and get to appear as celebrities in the papers! Imagine calling home to paanistan – Ma, I’m famous (read in south asian accent and waddle head from side to side)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Lord of Ramadaan

I love this song by the Companions Of True Unity (COTU). They're from Duesseldorf, Germany and the song is sung in 4 languages: Turkish, Arabic English and German.
I haven't been able to find the Turkish and German lyrics but here's the chorus, in Arabic:

رَمـَـضـَــان.. رَوحُ الرَّحمـَــن
رَمـَـضـَــان .. شـَـهـرُ القـُــرآن
رَمـَـضـَــان .. فـَــيضُ المـَــنـَّــان
فـُــتـِــحَــت فـِــيهِ الجـِــنـَــان

رَمـَـضـَــان.. رَوحُ الرَّحمـَــن
رَمـَـضـَــان .. شـَـهـرُ القـُــرآن
رَمـَـضـَــان .. فـَــيضُ المـَــنـَّــان
والعـِــيدُ مَــن ٌّ وَ أ َمـَـــــان


Ramadan is the mercy of The Merciful (Allah)
Ramadan is the month of The Qur'an
Ramadan is a great mercy of the generous God
in which the doors of the heaven are open

Ramadan is the mercy of The Merciful (Allah)
Ramadan is the month of The Qur'an
Ramadan is a great mercy of the generous God
and The Eid (feast)is for charity , and it is safety

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Kidney Stones

The carnivorous creatures were on the prowl. The taste of blood goading them on. In packs they carefully marked their targets from a distance. Watching and waiting. The young are always easy prey – undisciplined and curious, moving away from the herd. But also the young are most tender, fresh. The predator sniffs the air for the blood. He carefully tracks the victim by the spoors left behind. The prey is spotted and lured away from safety. With one quick move, the kill is clean and swift. The carcass is laid out for the picking and the feast begins.

The hunters: Israeli Defence Force
The prey: Innocent Palestinian youths
The prize: fresh organs to harvest

And of course there must be a link to the New Jersey organ trafficking syndicate of rabbis who were arrested recently! Despicable!

The Zionists are so inhumane, a few years ago they illegally harvested from their own soldiers, replacing the organs with cardboard and toilet rolls! But when that story was leaked and a senior pathologist took the fall, they had to source the organs elsewhere, and where better than the killing field called Gaza.

Could the diabolical acts against the Palestinians get any more macabre than this?
The picture that is the symbol of the Intifada – a young, stone-throwing boy facing the Goliath Israeli tanks was horrific enough. Now imagine that young boy being stalked and killed then cut open and robbed of his internal organs. What’s left to take? His soul?

This post is in Memory of Bilal Ahmed Ghanim (d 1992). Allah Yarhamhu.

Read more about the story here and here

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

For Afghanistan...

For me Afghanistan will always be a living memorial to the triumph of the human spirit !

(Picture sourced at www.m&

Friday, August 21, 2009

The 99

I would like to wish you light, this Ramadaan & always !

I thought these muslim superheros were a brilliant idea, check them out at:

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Stage Act

Before others I say that you are not my beloved
and deep inside I know what a liar I am
I claim that there is nothing between us
just to keep trouble from us
And sweet as they are, I deny the rumours of love
and make ruins out of my beautiful history.
Stupidly, I declare my innocence
slay my desires, become a monk
kill my fragrance, deliberately
run away from the paradise of your eyes
play the clown, my love
I fail in that role and come back
For the night, even if it wanted to, cannot hide its stars,
nor can the sea, even if it wanted to,
hide its ships.

-Nizar Qabbani

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sisterhood of the non-Travelling Pants

It’s a normal sunny afternoon and a group of women are gathered in a local café enjoying coffee and friendly chatting when suddenly the doors of the café burst open. There’s confusion and shouting – armed men yelling and rounding people up! There’s panic and the women are wondering: has there been a murder or bomb scare? Is it a robbery? ……… No!

13 women, deemed to have broken Article 152 of the Sudanese law, which punishes anyone who "commits an indecent act which violates public morality or wears indecent clothing", are arrested in an unusual raid by members of the Sudanese public order police force. Their crime? Wearing pants!

Of the thirteen women, ten pleaded guilty and were lashed two days after their arrest, while the other three opted to have the matter taken to court. Lubna Hussein has become the symbol for change in Sudan. Accused of indecency and violation of the Sudanese interpretation of Islamic dress code, Lubna, a journalist formerly employed by the United Nations, is currently on trial and banned from travelling out of her home town. Her immunity privileges expired once she resigned from the United Nations, making her vulnerable to prosecution. Sudanese police fired teargas and beat women protesting outside a court where Lubna was on trial, facing 40 lashes. Some of the women bravely wore trousers in solidarity with her.

Activists and lawyers say the implementation of the law is arbitrary and public order cases usually involve quick summary trials with sentences carried out shortly afterward. Lubna’s trial has been postponed until September 7.

Once again, Islamic regimes are shooting themselves in the foot. Do these countries deliberately develop media campaigns against themselves? If anything, they need to get new Public Relations officers and change their images. You would think that with Bashier facing war crimes charges in the ICC, his government would shy away from additional controversy and unwanted negative press. Lubna, of course, has made statements drawing attention to the situation in Darfur, and emphasising how much worse it might be for women from the south of Sudan.

As usual the issue will become how backward and old school Muslims are and Sudanese culture and social protocol will take a back seat. As usual Islam and Muslims on the whole will be blamed for the patriarchal interpretations of religion which homogenize with culture to form the Shariah laws practised locally. And as is becoming usual, Sarkozy is making it his personal vendetta against Islamic dress codes – does he really want all women to be prancing around with nothing more than floss to cover? Not everyone can be Carla!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wear Your Keffiyeh With Pride...

....... But forget not those who wear it as kaffan (shroud).

(Cartoon by Naji Al Ali)

Here's To A Year Of Blogging

(Pictures sourced at: & google)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Kissing The Virgin’s Mouth (Donna Gershten)

I have begun to teach Isabel the important things.
Just as I taught my Hija. Feel gratitude.
That’s what I told my little five-year-old
cousin yesterday when she found a coin in the grass.

Wrapped her fat fingers around a peso, eyes bright.
Say thank you, I tell her, like this:
I kneeled beside her, pretending the peso was inside
my tight fist and I closed my eyes and filled my heart
and kissed my fist long and firm like a mother who
finds her lost child, like a father saying good-bye.
She did it too.

Thank who? That’s not important.

Some people think I am religious.

I am not.

I believe in gratitude.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


I squealed with ecstasy when I opened the shiny box with a few assorted, individualized chocolates and an elaborately framed card:

Dear Demon, you are cordially invited to THE EVENT OF THE YEAR!

Imagine my excitement! Red carpet, all the glam and glitter, fabulous entertainment, scrumptious food and scandalous guests! Just my kinda party!

The euphoria didn’t last more than 30 seconds……. Instead I was overcome by the sheer sense of horror!


I have NOTHING to wear!!!

I rummage through my closet, find all my lovely shooz and nothing to match! The hot little black dress doesn’t even get over my fat head! And I'm overcome with self-loathing.


Need to go shopping – so I waltz through the malls, flirting with every evening dress I find until…..
Hmmm the perfect sexy red hot number! Only it’s outrageously overpriced… jeeez! I could’ve shopped at Valentino at this rate! Do these friggin designers not realize that there’s a recession?
Come on!

Wat to do – wat to do…….

Oh Gawd! I can’t stand it anymore! It’s all around – everywhere I go! Every website has one of those banners and every shopping centre I enter seems out to get me – I’m stalked by the evil lollipop-headed size zeros, who just forget to eat. %*&^&^%

“Lose 25 pounds in 2 weeks” “Firm abs, with no exercise” The warrior diet, Atkins, Cambridge, south beach, jenny craig, oprah, dr oz….. Berries, pills, shots, lipo…. Arrrrrggggggggggggggh

Ok ok Plan B – the dreaded diet. I can do this. How bad could it be? Sarah drank those shakes and in no time got that man to give her that engagement ring. Ayesha did the gym circuit and that personal trainer is no doubt the real motivation! I just need to lose a bit round the middle… I have six weeks and a six-pack of determination (if nothing else).

Gym Membership $ 50 per month = $ 100
Personal Trainer $35 per session 3 x per week = $ 630
Diet Shakes $ 60 for a month’s supply = $ 120
Gym Attire = $ 250 (a girl has GOT to be appropriately dressed)
Massages at the Spa = $120 (or I’d not be able to walk)
Gift to myself for being so diligent = $ 150 (new shoes)
Night out with the girls to show off my new curves = $ 130
Weight Lost = 5 kilograms
Not giving in to my cravings for chocolate = worse than waterboarding
Mood = Bitchy (more than usual, that is)
Sizzling down the red carpet feeling like the Goddess I am = PRICELESS

P.S. HAPPY WOMEN's DAY, South Africa

(Picture Source:

Monday, August 3, 2009

شوق (longing)

I waited for the sharqi* to bring news of you to me
There was nothing but a breeze
I waited for the shamal** to carry your scent to me
There was no fragrance, only the wretched stench of longing
I called out across the seas
But my voice was swallowed by the squall
Hasten to me, my love, my soul
Return to me
Let this distance of deserts, of oceans, of foreign lands between us, evanesce
Let me feel your embrace, your breath on my neck, your soft gentle kiss
Let me not wait in agony for these lonely nights to pass
Return to me
My love, my soul
For I cannot breathe without you.

* sharqi is the south-easterly wind over the Arabian peninsula
**shamal is the summer north-easterly desert wind