Friday, July 20, 2012

This Ramadan Make a Beautiful Loan...

Who is he that will loan to Allah a beautiful loan, which Allah will double unto his credit and multiply many times? It is Allah that giveth (you) want or plenty and to Him shall be your return. (Holy Quran-2:245)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I am not jealous
of what came before me.

Come with a man
on your shoulders,
come with a hundred men in your hair,
come with a thousand men between your breasts and your feet,
come like a river
full of drowned men
which flows down to the wild sea,
to the eternal surf, to Time!

Bring them all
to where I am waiting for you;
we shall always be alone,
we shall always be you and I
alone on earth,
to start our life!
- Pablo Neruda

*There's nothing like Neruda in the morning*

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Amarnath Yatra

Srinigar, Kashmir - Chanting bam bam bolay, thousands of Hindu devotees throng to the beautiful valley of Pahalgam for their yearly pilgrimage known as the Amarnath Yatra. Located amid the beautiful snowy mountains of the Eastern Himalaya in Indian-administered Kashmir, the Amarnath cave is a sacred shrine, highly revered by Hindus.

A two-month annual pilgrimage seasons sees devotees - or Yatris - walk and ride ponies or palanquins climb to the cave, located 3,800m (12,700ft) above sea level, some 140km (85 miles) from Srinagar city, the summer capital of Indian-administered Kashmir, to have glimpse of an ice stalagmite they believe to be a symbol of Hindu god, Lord Shiva. 

The frozen column is said to grow and shrink "miraculously", with the phases of the moon - reaching its maximum height during the summer.

The cave can be reached via two routes, each taking pilgrims through famous tourist destinations. One passes through Sonmarg, while the Pahalgam route is preferred by many Yatris. The Pahalgam path takes about two to three days to reach the cave, along a tough, mountainous route. Its steep gradient makes it very difficult to climb, yet elderly pilgrims still scramble up the rocky path.
The Yatra ["journey'] is a long trek, and pilgrims face a number of difficulties on the treacherous route.

The scarcity of oxygen due to the high altitude has at times resulted in several cardiac arrests in recent years. Pilgrims also have to endure abrupt climatic changes, as the weather can often swing wildly from sunshine to rain - and even snowfall amid the higher reaches of the mountains. As a result, a number of pilgrims do not survive the journey.

The Yatra is special on many counts. The Hindu shrine is believed by many to have been re-discovered in the 15th century by a Kashmiri Muslim shepherd by the name of Buta Malik, and the annual event has come to represent the history of communal harmony between communities in the valley, even as Kashmir itself has fought for self-determination over past decades.

It is Kashmiri Muslims who make the arrangements for the pilgrims, and provide them with all facilities during the entire pilgrimage period. Kashmiri ponies, palanquins and helpers carry the pilgrims to the top - and in doing so risk their own lives.

The event is important for the livelihoods of so many Kashmiris struggling to make a living in the valley. This year around half a million pilgrims have registered for the pilgrimage - out of which some 250 000 Yatris have already paid obeisance at the shrine.

Showkat Shafi 

Monday, July 2, 2012

To A Man...

I thought you could be a faithful dog
an Arabian
horse unsaddled
a forerunner to some god
that tastes unlike the dried dates of the tribe.

For myself
I have torn up all heir’s contract with the past

uprooting my clan's trees
embracing the freedom of outlaws. 

Alas, I discovered
your backbone was
but a pillar of fog frozen
in the Levantine mirror of Narcissus; 
and you: nothing
more than a Sultan's herald 
another pimp
hailing the virtues of the fruits
of the Fertile Crescent

-Fawziyya Abu Khalid
*Translated from the Arabic by Kamal Boullata