Saturday, February 26, 2011

Are You A Dictator?

Do you give yourself strange titles which you intend to sound powerful like:    
The all-powerful warrior who, because of his endurance and inflexible will to win, will go from conquest to conquest leaving fire in his wake or His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, Conqueror of the British Empire [CBE] in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular and the Most Ubiquitous of all Kings Of Scotland.

Did you country have any other president in the past 30 years?

Does your uniform have more medals than the Olympics?

Did you randomly have members of the opposition massacred while you were having dessert?

Have you laundered enough money to start a new country after you wreck the present one?

Did western governments stop your allowance after you pissed them off?

Have you caused ethnic violence to kill off the opposition?

Do you carry your own 5 star hotel around with you on state visits?

Do western countries ignore your ‘moderate’ leadership style because you supply them with oil or is it just that Hilary has a crush on you?

Have you regulated Internet access because the opposition hurt your feelings?

    Thursday, February 24, 2011


    Loneliness like a good, old friend
    visits my house to pour wine in the evening.
    And we sit together, waiting for the moon,
    and for your face to sparkle in every shadow.

    Faiz Ahmed Faiz 

    Saturday, February 19, 2011

    A Revolution In Progress...

    Since 1917 statehood, self-determination, resources, government and borders related to Palestine, have raised all sorts of debates. 

    UN resolutions, treaties, agreements and ceasefires have been numerous yet a just solution remains as elusive as an intelligent mind in Washington's foreign policy writing circles.

    At the heart of the conflict lies 26 986 square kilometers of land, because as history has shown us in technicolour, God and liberation are mere advertising tools, in wars that are almost always based on money, power & land.

    Thursday, February 17, 2011

    Do Not Ask ...

           Do not ask me
           For that past love
           When I thought
           You alone illumined
           This entire world
           And because of you
           The sorrows of life
           Did not matter.
    I thought
           Your beauty gave permanence
           To the colors of spring
           And your eyes were
           The only stars
           In the universe.
    I thought
           If I could only make you mine
           Destiny would, forever, be
           In my hands.
    Now I know
           There are afflictions
           Which have nothing to do with desire
           Which have nothing to do with love.

           On the dark loom of centuries
           Woven into
           Silk, damask, and goldcloth
           Is the oppressive enigma
           Of our lives.
           In the valleys and bazaars--
           Human flesh is being sold--
           Throbbing between layers of dust--
           Bathed in blood.
           The furnace of poverty and disease
           Disgorges body after body--
           Your beauty is still
           A river of gems
           But now I know
           There are afflictions
           Which have nothing to do with desire
           Which have nothing to do with love.

           My love, do not ask me ...


    Monday, February 14, 2011

    Friday, February 11, 2011

    For Bouazizi

    (Picture: google)

    It is unfortunate that you could not be around to see the revolution that your sacrifice has sparked
    but your death was not in vain, the oppression and anger that you felt have not gone to waste. 

    The people have risen to see a new day and you were sun that brought this morning. 

    I salute you 

    For Iran and for Rolihlahla

                                                            Picture : Raheb Homavandian 

    On The Anniversary Of The Iranian Revolution we wish the Egyptians strength to see their revolution to the end and we hope that the rest of the Arab world will follow suit.

    Excerpt From Speech Of Turkey's P.M Erdogan: 
    From here, I would like to make a very sincere suggestion to Egyptian President Mr. Husni Mubarak and caution him: We are human beings. We are mortal. We are not immortal. We will all die and be questioned for what we have done in our lives. As Muslims, we will all end up in two-cubic meter holes. We are all mortals. What is immortal is the legacy we leave behind; what is important is to be remembered with respect; it is to be remembered with benediction. We exist for the people. We fulfil our duties for our people. When the imam comes to us as we die, he will not address us as the president, as the head of state, as the prime minister, or as the minister. I am now talking to the trillionaires: the imam will not address you as trillionaires. He will address us all as simple men or women. What will come with you will only be the shroud. Nothing else. Therefore we must know the value of that shroud; we must listen to the voice of our conscience and to! the voice of our people; we must be ready either for our people’s prayers or for their malediction. Therefore, I say that you must listen, and we must listen, to the people’s outcry, to their extremely humanitarian demands. Meet the people’s desire for change with no hesitation.

                                               (Picture: google)         

    "I can't help it if the ladies take note of me; I am not going to protest."
    -Nelson Mandela 

    (Released from prison 11/02/1990)

    Wednesday, February 9, 2011

    The Cemetery Theory

    (available in t-shirt form @

    Saturday, February 5, 2011

    Wednesday, February 2, 2011

    Man Is A Yes!


    Man is a yes... Yes to life. Yes to love. Yes to generosity.
    But man is also a no. No to scorn of man.
    No to degradation of man. No to exploitation of man.
    No to the butchery of what is most human in man : freedom.

    Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks

    *Please Read 'Man' as humankind