Sunday, March 31, 2013

Worker's Day

International Workers' Day, is a day that commemorates the struggles of the labour movement in its struggle to achieve basic rights for workers. Celebrated on the 1st of May it is the anniversary of the Chicago Haymarket Massacre, which took place in 1886 when more than a million American workers demonstrated for an eight hour day.

A turning point for South African trade union took place in 1973, when a series of spontaneous strikes in Durban led to a new wave of resistance that resulted in the emergence of our modern workers' movement. 

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) was established in 1982. This was one of the biggest affiliates of the Congress of Trade Unions (Cosatu) when it formed in December 1985, becoming a major ally of the United Democratic Front (UDF) in the common struggle to end apartheid.

Today, South Africa's trade union movement forms a significant element of the ANC government's administration, and new legislation secures workers' right to fair labour practices. This legislation includes the Labour Relations Act, the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, the Mines Health and Safety Act, and the Employment Equity Act. 

As my friend Ridi @ ( likes to say ... WE ARE NOT FREE YET!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

A Peshawari Girl From Khyber Pakhtunkhwa


Friday, March 22, 2013

How To Make Love...


Make love like you have no secrets like you’ve never been
left never been hurt like the world don’t owe you a single wretched thing.- Warsan Shire

Sunday, March 17, 2013

One Afternoon In The Pouring Rain...

A young girl splashed her feet in the water. 
The rain fell hard and warm. 
She was soaking, her clothes stuck to her body. 

The water rushed down the incline to where she stood in the puddles.
The cars moved slowly in the hard rain. 
She saw her sister walking down the hill to fetch her.

‘Don’t go!' He begged. ‘Marry me!’ 
‘Are you crazy? 
Things don’t work that way'. 
He was 16, not that it mattered, these things were decided by family. 

Tears began to roll down his face. 
The rain fell harder. 
Slowly she began to walk up the hill towards her sister. 
At first she walked backwards, watching his face closely, hoping that she would remember everything. 

Eventually she could no longer tell the raindrops and his tears apart. 

Friday, March 8, 2013

This International Women's Day...

                                         I am Beautiful, despite your fascist standards!

                                                       (Feminist Graffiti from Egypt)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Poem for Hugo Chavez...

Because you know
That pain is not
Our motherland

That suffering
Is not our
Divine right
That heaven is
What we make
On earth

Like houses
And bread

Because you come
From the heart
Of the soil

And do not sprinkle us
With holy water
Pie-in-the-sky lies and
Ashes to ashes dust to dust

Because you know
That your big mouth
And your curly hair

Is African
And your brown skin
And dark eyes is Indian

Because you don’t point
To Europe for
Beauty or salvation

Because you know
As Che and Fidel and
Maurice Bishop and Roque Dalton
And Walter Rodney
And Neruda and Allende
And Patrice Lamumba

That life is what
We make with our

Because you know as Jesus
That it is not difficult to
Multiply bread and fish

That oil is not
The lifeblood
Of the earth

That it should not
Run through our veins
Like fear

Because you are David
In the shadow
Of Goliath

And know that
The price of freedom
Is love

-Tony Medina

Slaughter Of The Innocents...

Al-Hudaydah, Yemen – Already with one of the world's highest death penalty rates, Yemen is increasingly jailing and executing people who committed crimes as children, because of a lack of birth certificates and a failing justice system, human rights campaigners say.

Mariam al-Batah, 19, is one death row inmate facing a firing squad. She cuts a vulnerable figure in al-Hudaydah's overcrowded Hodeida Central Prison, on Yemen's western coast. For three years al-Batah has called the squalid surroundings home. She was sentenced to death for murder when she was 15-years old.

Al-Batah's case is a common one for Yemen's death row juveniles - 22 in total, according to Human Rights Watch. From a rural, illiterate background, her family - like an estimated 80 percent of the country's population - failed to register her birth, with tragic consequences.

Al-Batah's father married her off as a second wife to an older man when she was just 12. She says her husband repeatedly beat and starved her, and locked her in a room for weeks at a time. One day, when the child of her husband's first wife accidentally unlocked her door, al-Batah recalls rushing out in a "disorientated and dizzy" state. She violently hurled the child to the ground, killing it immediately. She was promptly arrested, and a court condemned al-Batah to death.

With no birth certificate to prove she was under 18 - the legal age to try an adult for murder - the prosecution and judge ignored her pleas. Under Yemeni law, children 15 years and older can be tried as adults, but can only receive up to 10 years imprisonment if convicted of murder.

Al-Batah, who delivered a stillborn child in prison, says her husband's first wife forgave her. But her own family has disowned her, and she pins all her hope on an appeal.

"Proving one's age is a huge issue in Yemen in these cases," says Priyanka Motaparthy, a Human Rights Watch researcher.

"But there is a second issue: even in cases when juvenile offenders and lawyers were able to produce strong evidence suggesting they were under 18 for their alleged crime, judges and prosecutors have disregarded Yemeni law and called for death sentences," Motaparthy tells Al Jazeera.

Kids on death row
Although Yemen's penal code banned juvenile executions in 1994, reports say 186 are being currently tried for murder and could face the death penalty. Three of them - Mohammed Taher Sumoom, Walid Hussein Haikal, and Mohammad al-Tawil - had their executions given a green light by former President Ali Abdulah Saleh before he left office in February last year. Yemen's president must sign a decree as the final step before an execution is carried out.

Yemen is signatory to the Convention of the Rights of the Child, as well as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which bars the death penalty for those who commit murder under age 18.However, international and Yemeni laws have not stopped Yemen's presidents from signing juvenile execution orders once appeals are exhausted, and 15 have been killed in the past five years.

Adults can receive death sentences for murder, honour crimes, rape, armed robbery and even sorcery. Most executions are conducted in prison courtyards with families and officials present, by shooting into the back of a prone prisoner.

In January, 77 outraged juveniles in Sana'a Central Prison mounted a high-profile hunger strike protesting the death sentence handed down to Nadim al-Aza'azi, who was confirmed by a court doctor to have been 15 years old at the time of his crime. 

Al-Aza'azi, who is rail thin and jittery, characteristics he attributes to his perpetual state of anxiety, is charged with a family honour crime. He comforts fellow inmate, Mua'd Ghanem, 16, whose murder trial is still ongoing.
The prosecution's doctor has diagnosed Ghanem as an adult. His contorted face fights back tears when he talks about the beatings and electrocution that led to what he calls a forced confession. Ghanem has been disowned by his family and is frightened by the violence of prison life.

'Powerless and alone'
"I die 1,000 times a day in here," he says. The juveniles look on in despair at the recent execution of schoolgirl Hind al-Barti, shot dead by firing squad in Taiz last December.Convicted of killing another girl by dousing her in petrol and setting her on fire, al-Barti quietly maintained her innocence. It appears powerful families in her rural community bullied her into silence, Motaparthy says, and the court threw out her birth certificate as evidence, which verified she was 15 when the crime was committed."She was trying to reduce potential danger to her family," explains Motaparthy. "It was very clear that she made her decisions when she was very young, and that she felt powerless and alone when she was making them." Al-Barti told Human Rights Watch in March 2012 she was forced to confess after police officers beat and threatened her with rape. When al-Barti's controversial case drew international media attention, the Yemeni government rushed her execution without notifying the families and public."We are not only outraged that child offenders continue to be executed in Yemen, in flagrant contravention of international law, but we are also deeply concerned over the increased number of sentences of capital punishments pronounced against children," said Jean Zermatten, chair of UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, after the execution.

Organisations such as UNICEF are working with the government on birth registration - especially in rural areas where the majority of the Yemen's 25 million population live - as a crucial step to address the execution of juvenile offenders.

Age determination 'hoax'
Sevag Kechichian, an Amnesty International researcher, agrees that international standards to determine age are key.  The examiner is hired by the prosecution and is "typically biased", and the types of examinations are often "inadequate", he says.

"In many cases the prosecution suggests a medical examiner check the juvenile, but often this is a hoax, and they don't even see the juvenile. When they do, it is unclear what type of practices they use," says Kechichian.
"In reports they use vague language that sometimes evaluates bone density, or other times they check teeth. It is known that these only give you a margin of the age - they are not exact."

Yemen’s Ministry of Human Rights says it is taking steps to address the execution of juveniles.
"We are holding high-level discussions within the government about this," spokesperson Fouad al-Ghassari told Al Jazeera. "We are asking the justice system for more time. We need to develop a good system and specialists to determine birthdates, and international support."

Ala Rumaneh, 20, is an intensely quiet inmate in al-Hudaydah's fetid men's prison, built for 400 inmates but that holds three times as many. The stressful conditions have sparked prison breaks and riots in the past. "This is a place of suffering," Rumaneh says. On death row for shooting an elderly policeman whom he says tried to rape him on a beach, Rumaneh says he was forced to confess when he was 17-years old. During the trial his birth certificate was ignored, and he was sentenced to die. In a 30-page report released last Monday, New York-based Human Rights Watch said several juvenile offenders told interviewers that torture, beatings and threats had elicited their false confessions. Rumaneh's younger brother Mohammed, 18, is a soft-spoken English student who visits his condemned brother every week. "I feel very scared for Ala," he says quietly. "It is known that the majority of death penalty cases are followed through."


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How To Pray: Presence In The Heart...

There is a powerful reminder in the Gospel according to St. Luke, which depicts Jesus praying in a certain place.
When he finished, one of his disciples said to him,
        “Lord, teach us to pray.”   [Luke:  11:1]
The disciples of Christ asked him about the real meaning of prayer.
How do we pray like Christ?
This is not a prayer that most of us know intuitively.
We have to be taught how to pray.
A man came to see the Prophet Muhammad (S).   Before talking with the Prophet, he quickly performed his prayers.   When he walked up to the Prophet, the Prophet sent him back to do his prayers over again, and said:  ”You did not do your prayers.”
The man was puzzled, yet he went back and quickly performed his prayers again.
Once more, he came back to the Prophet.
A second time the Prophet sent him back.
The man came back a third time,
and for a third time the Prophet sent him back to perform his prayers.
This time the Prophet (S) added:
        “There is no prayer without the presence of the heart.”
Where there is presence of the heart, there too will God be present.
There are many items and conditions that are deemed helpful for prayer:
a beautiful temple/shrine/mosque/church, mood music, ritual purity, proper rituals, a rosary, clasped hands, incense, etc.
All of those can help in bringing about one’s focus on the presence of God.   But none of them can take the place of presence of heart.
If we are not fully present in our own heart, there is no prayer, no communion with God.
Buddha prayer concentration
God is always present.
We are mysteriously absent from our own being.
Prayer is nothing other than being present where we have been all along.
When we become present, there too is God.
When we are present, and God is present, there is the alchemy of prayer.
An early Muslim mystic once said:
           “have your heart be where feet are.” 
This is a great motto for life, to be fully present where we already are.
It is the requirement for prayer, and eventually, for sanctity in every breath.
So we do not pray to beseech God.
We do not pray to ask God for things, or events, or blessings.
We do not pray to change God’s mind, or appeal to God’s heart.

We pray to change our own heart.
This is the way Christ prayed, this is how Muhammad prayed.
This is how we are to pray.
Oh Lord, teach us how to pray like this.


*More at:

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Salar Women Of China...

(Image: google)

The Salars have been in Qinghai
 Province, China since the Mongol Yuan period. The word Salur meant "those who wave swords, spears and hammers everywhere." Their ancestors were migrating Oghuz Turks who intermarried with Han Chinese,Tibetans, and Hui. 
They are patrilineal, and exogamous, encouraging clan members to marry out, with marriage amongst clan members being banned.

The typical clothing of the Salar very similar to other Muslim peoples in the region. The young single women are accustomed to dressing in Chinese dress of bright colors. The married women utilize the traditional veil in white or black colors. They are famous for a musical instrument called the Kouxuan. It is a string instrument manufactured in silver or in copper and only played by the women.

They speak Salar  which has heavy Chinese and Tibetan influence.  For centuries they've maintained their Oghuz language remarkably similar to Turkmen. It was originally Turkic, but major linguistic structures have been absorbed from Chinese. Around 20% of the vocabulary is of Chinese origin, and 10% is also of Tibetan origin. Yet the official Communist Chinese government policy deliberately covers up these influences in academic and linguistics studies, trying to emphasize the Turkic element and completely ignoring the Chinese in the Salar language. The Salar use the Chinese writing system since they do not have their own.

Culturally they have strictly conformed to the Naqshbandi ways of their Hui coreligionists. Many of their nomadic Turkmen traditions have been lost, and Turkmen music was forbidden.