Monday, August 25, 2008

Fashion conscious solidarity

(Source unknown, Photo found online)

Having previously discussed my love of finding that people really do care about the world, allow me to narrate a tragic discovery on my part...

Walking around a few months ago, I was so impressed to see everyone in Palestinian scarves. WOW! The world had stood up and taken notice... or had they? Later that week as I walked into a fashion store it all fell in to place. There wasn't a sudden, mass consciousness on the Middle East crisis, the Khimaar had somehow been transformed into a high fashion item.

So as the season changes and the new high fashion rushes in and replaces the old. The Khimaar, which is a representation of the living dream of millions to return to their rightful homes, will be shoved into the back of the closet, along with skinny jeans and houndstooth jackets. And in the event that someone actually does wear their Khimaar in solidarity after the season has passed, it'll just look like they're old fashioned.


Anonymous said...

Solidarity can never go out of fashion! At least I can take solace in thinking that on my last visit to the fashion capitals of the world, I just may have set a trend! ;)

desert demons said...

lolol - so it was you that caused this !! The thing is that it can't even be called solidarity if we don't know what the meaning behind the cloth is !

Anonymous said...

I cant tell you how it irks me. I want to go and rip it off people. Yes I have rage issues but FFS, how dare some bastard take this symbol of Palestinian hope and turn it into a f#*king fashion statement!!!!