Tuesday, May 29, 2012

American Exceptionalism

'The ability to celebrate freedom and democracy while tolerating neither' 

'The belief that God chose America as his nation and approved the slaughter 
of millions of Native Americans , slavery, inequality, racism etc'

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

An Ainu Woman Of Japan

The Ainu are indigenous, ethnic group who live on the island of Hokkaido and part of the Russian Sakhalin Island. They are distinct from the Japanese and before the Tungus invasion from mainland Asia the whole archipelago was inhabited by them. They are animist, believing that everything in nature has spirit. The most important being grandmother earth (fire), then the mountain (animals), then the sea animals and lastly everything else. There are no priests by profession.

The women adorn their hands, forehead, arms and mouth outline with blue tattoos. The mouth tattoos begin at a young age as a small spot on the upper lip and gradually increasing. About 200000 Ainu live in Japan today and have suffered much discrimination from 1899 the government instituted a policy of forced assimilation by imposing compulsory Japanese-language education and denying their right to continue traditional practices. They were left with control of approximately 0.15% of their original land. Today fewer than 100 speakers of the Ainu languages remain.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Glimpses Of An Ideal World...

 (image: google)

On 1 December 1948, after triumph in a civil war the president of Costa Rica, Jose Figueres Ferrer abolished the military. In a ceremony in the Cuartel Bellavista (previously army headquarters and now the National Museum) he broke a wall with a mallet to symbolise the end of the country's military spirit. 

Later in 1949 the abolition was included in Article 12 of the Constitution and the budget allocation previously dedicated to the military was added to the allocations for security, education and culture.  In 1986, President Oscar Arian Sanchez declared 1 December as the Día de la Abolición del Ejército (Military abolition day). 

Reading this gem reminded me that despite the horrors of injustice, war, poverty and hunger humanity is faced with there are still many reasons to be hopeful (although I must point out that somehow most of these reasons seem to lead back to South America and for this I think a field trip is in order , you know for closer inspection of the revolution and related activites *wink*). 

It also reminded of when Arundhati Roy said: “Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing."

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Remember The Naqba...

(Cristina Ruiz Cortina - The wall around Bethlehem)

Santa Barbara, CA - The parallel hunger strikes in Israeli prisons, over which a deal has reportedly been agreed, have captured the imagination of Palestinians around the world, giving the word "solidarity" a new urgency. The crisis produced by these strikes makes this year's observance of Nabka Day a moral imperative for all those concerned with attaining justice and peace for the long oppressed Palestinian people - whether living under occupation or in exile. The Palestinian mood on this May 14, is one inflamed by abuse and frustration, but also inspired by and justly proud of exemplary expressions of courage, discipline and nonviolent resistance on the part of those imprisoned Palestinians who have been mounting the greatest internal challenge that Israel has faced since the Second Intifada. Even as the strikes seem on the verge of ending, due to a series of Israeli concessions in response to the grievances of the prisoners, the impact and significance of the strike remains a shining light in an otherwise dark sky.

It all started when a lone prisoner, Khader Adnan initiated a hunger strike to protest his abusive arrest and administrative detention on December 17, which happened to be the exact anniversary of Tunisian vendor Mohammed Bouazizi's self-immolation - his death leading directly to the birth of the Arab Spring. Adnan ended his strike after 66 days, when Israel relented somewhat on his terms of detention. More than 30 years previously, Bobby Sands died after 66 days of his own hunger strike, maintained so as to dramatise IRA prison grievances in Northern Ireland. It is not surprising that the survivors of the 1981 Irish protest should now be sending messages of empathy and solidarity to their Palestinian brothers locked up in Israeli jails.

What Adnan did prompted other Palestinians to take a similar stand. Hana Shalabi, like Adnan a few weeks later, experienced a horrible arrest experience and was returned to prison without charges or trial. She too seemed ready to die rather than endure further humiliation, and was also eventually released, but punitively, being "deported" to Gaza, away from her West Bank village and family for a period of three years. Others hunger strikes followed, with two types emerging, each influenced by the other.
Parallel strikes and global solidarity
The longer of the two strikes involved six Palestinians who remain in critical condition - their lives at risk for at least the past week. Bilal Diab and Thaer Halahleh have now refused food for an incredible 76 days, a sacrificial form of nonviolent resistance that can only be properly appreciated as a scream of anguish and despair on behalf of those who have been suffering so unjustly and mutely for far too long. It is a sign of Western indifference that even these screams seem to have fallen on deaf ears.

The second, closely related, hunger strike that has lasted almost a month is an equally an extraordinary display of disciplined nonviolence, initiated on April 17, Palestinian Prisoners Day. By today, Monday, May 14, there are reported to be as many as 2,000 prisoners who have been refusing all food, until a set of grievances associated with deplorable prison conditions are satisfactorily resolved. The two strikes are linked because the longer hunger strike inspired the mass strike - and the remaining several thousand non-striking Palestinian prisoners in Israel jails have already pledged to join in the refusal of food if there are any deaths among the strikers. This heightened prisoner consciousness has already been effective in mobilising the wider community of Palestinians living under occupation, and beyond.

This heroic activism gives an edge to the 2012 Nakba observance, and contrasts with the apparent futility of traditional diplomacy. The Quartet tasked with providing a roadmap to achieve a peaceful resolution of the Israel/Palestine conflict seems completely at a loss, and has long been irrelevant to the quest for a sustainable peace, let alone the realisation of Palestinian rights. The much publicised efforts of a year ago to put forward a statehood bid at the United Nations seems stalled indefinitely, due to the crafty backroom manoeuvres of the United States.
Even the widely supported and reasonable recommendations of the Goldstone Report to seek accountability for Israeli leaders who seemed guilty of war crimes associated with the three weeks of attacks on Gaza at the end of 2008 have been permanently consigned to limbo.

And the situation is actually even worse for the Palestinians than this summary depiction suggests. While nothing happens on the diplomatic level, other clocks are ticking at a fast pace. Several developments adverse to Palestinian interests and aspirations are taking place at an accelerating pace: 40,000 additional settlers are living in the West Bank since the temporary freeze on settlement expansion ended in September 2010, bringing the overall West Bank settler population to about 365,000, and well over 500,000 if East Jerusalem settlers are added on.

Every day is a 'Nakba'
Is it any wonder then that Palestinians increasingly view the Nabka not as an event frozen in time back in 1947 when as many as 700,000 fled from their homeland, but as descriptive of an historical process that has been going on ever since Palestinians began being displaced by Israeli immigration and victimised by the ambitions and tactics of the Zionist project? It is this understanding of the Nakba as a living reality with deep historical roots that gives the hunger strikes such value. Nothing may be happening when it comes to the peace process, but at least, with heightened irony, it is possible to say that a lot is happening in Israeli jails.

And the resolve of these hunger strikers has been so great as to convey to anyone that is attentive that the Palestinians will not be disappeared from history. And merely by saying this there is a renewed sense of engagement on the part of Palestinians the world over - and of their growing number of friends and comrades - that this Palestinian courage and sacrifice and fearlessness will bring eventual success. In contrast, it is the governmental search for deals and bargains built to reflect power relations, not claims of rights, that seems so irrelevant that its disappearance would hardly be noticed.
By and large, the Western media, especially in the United States, has taken virtually no notice of these hunger strikes, as if there was no news angle until the possibility of martyrdom for the strikers began at last to stir fears in Israeli hearts of a potential Palestinian backlash and a public relations setback on the international level. Then, and only then, has there been speculation that, maybe, Israel could and should make some concessions - promising to improve prison conditions and limit reliance on administrative detention to situations where a credible security threat existed.

Self-reliance and nonviolence
Beyond this frantic quest by Israel to find a last minute pragmatic escape from this volatile situation posed both by hunger strikers on the brink of death and a massive show of solidarity by the larger prison population, is this sense that the real message of the Nakba is to underscore the imperative of self-reliance and nonviolence and ongoing struggle. The Palestinian future will be shaped by the people of Palestine. And it is up to us in the outside world, whether Palestinian or not, to join in their struggle to achieve justice from below, sufficiently shaking the foundations of oppressive structures of occupation and the exclusions of exile to create tremors of doubt in the Israeli colonial mindset. And as doubts grow, new possibilities suddenly emerge.

For this reason, the Nakba should become important for all persons of good will, whether Palestinian or not, whether in Israel or outside, as an occasion for displays of solidarity. This might mean a global sympathy hunger strike as is being urged for May 17, or an added commitment to the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) Campaign,or signing up to join the next voyage of the Freedom Flotilla.

Certainly the Nakba is a time of remembrance for the historic tragedy of expulsion, but it is equally a time of reflection on what might be done to stop the bleeding and to acknowledge and celebrate those who are brave enough to say "this far, and no further".

Richard Falk has authored and edited numerous publications spanning a period of five decades, most recently editing the volume International Law and the Third World: Reshaping Justice (Routledge, 2008)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Sarajevo Roses...

(image: google)

Mortar rounds landing on concrete create a unique fragmentation pattern that looks almost floral. During the Bosnian War between April 1992 and December 1995 Sarajevo was the central conflict zone and suffered thousands of shell explosions.  It's been estimated that more than 300 shell rounds were fired into the city daily. Now the marked concrete patterns are a unique feature to the city.

*According to the International Commitee of the Red Cross data, during the war 200,000  
 people were killed, 12,000 of them children, up to 50,000 women were raped, and  
 2.2 million were displaced. It was ethnic cleansing and genocide.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday, May 4, 2012

Stop Killing The Hazara ...

 (Image: google)

 “We have had no option but to gather here to cry out loudly so that our voices are heard by those responsible for the safety and security of innocent Hazaras of Quetta. If this doesn’t work and the government continues to give us the impression that our community members in Quetta are living in Jungle, we will have to seek recourse to further legal but more radical avenues for the redress of our grievances. This may please be noted for your record.”- Memorandum from Hazara protesters in London

 (Image: google)

"Police, Intelligence Agencies, Federal Government, Provincial Governments are responsible for the [Hazara] kilings in Pakistan. All of Pakistan's agencies are involved in politics and none of them are doing their jobs..." - Najam Sethi